The sunshine vitamin, otherwise more scientifically known as Vitamin D, plays a very important role in our day-to-day lives. It provides essential health, increases our lifetime, boosts our athletic performance and ensures a reduced risk of being attacked by diseases. Considering the substantial advantages you gain out of Vitamin D why is there still 42% deficiency worldwide?
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a vitamin that we receive from various sources. We can receive it from UVB(ultraviolet radiation) rays which will be absorbed from the sun and into our skin. We can gain a small quantity from the food we eat and we can also take supplements that allows us to maintain a less natural but more disciplined Vitamin D consumption.

In our outer skin there are small pigment cells and this includes pigments called melanin. Melanin protects the sun from the UVB rays which, when highly exposed to, can cause burning, chances of skin cancer, increase elasticity and cause a person to age. When your skin is exposed to the sun, it naturally produces more melanin which makes our skin appear darker.
Genetically, through inheritance, people who live in hot climates generally have darker skins as they have high melanin. This is why the darker skins can resist the sun in cold climates more than the whiter skins. Conversely, because whiter skin people typically live in cold climates, they don’t need as much melanin so suffer from suntanning and sunburning when traveling to warm areas.
Increased Health
You may be wondering, what are the benefits you get out of gaining Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is the perfect companion for staying alive and maintaining a healthy life. The best way we can receive Vitamin D is through sunlight! We are advised to spend at least 15-30 minutes outside. With sunlight bouncing off walls due to refraction, and an uncertain chance of receiving UVB rays when indoors, you are less likely to encourage vitamin D in your body. Sparing a minimum of 15 minutes for outdoor activities as natural as walking is a change all of us can promote for a healthier and longer lifestyle.

With the flexibility of having less fat through Vitamin D, you can boost your athletic performance and retreat from side effects too. Energizing muscles and decreasing body fat with this simple trick can make a huge impact in that one game that you play in your weekends. Vitamin D is said to make you lose fat and increase your physical performance through strengthening your muscles.
Side Effects
Prominent sunlight merits you with a reduced risk of cancer, specifically colon cancer and people with inadequate levels are twice as likely to be associated with heart attacks. The required levels per day are ranged between 3000-5000 iu(international units) which is well compensated with our daily food and sunlight; if you’re finding it difficult, supplements from various brands including, Vitabiotics, Holland & Barrett, Boots and Healthspan offer the perfect tablets to disconnect you from health complications. We are recommended to opt for Vitamin D3 which is the best type available as it performs substantially better in terms of Vitamin D consumption.

The negligence of staying outdoors and living a naturally healthier life has been the reason for the continuation of this topic to this day. With the wide range of advantages you attain from Vitamin D and the bypassing of many major health risks, why wouldn’t you make a change to your lifestyle? Make vitamin D your superstar with more sunlight from our star.
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