Are you interested in science? If you have an interest and you’re not aware of the London Science Museum, you are missing out on masses of interesting information. With facts lurking out everywhere, you may discover something grabbing your attention. As a convenient museum with immense information in a relatively small building, you can easily access departments and perhaps ensure completion in your visit.
Museum Info
For a perfectly planned visit, let’s get the basic information underway. The building is conveniently located next to the National History Museum and has a nice walkway that leads to the entrance. The queues are generally brisk and brief; there’s no need to rush. The museum is open daily from 10AM – 6PM and all you’d have to go through is a bag check at the free entrance and you’re in a wonderful hall of electrifying science.

There are 5 levels altogether and the entrance allows you to commence the discoveries from the ground floor. There are both staircases and elevators available to move between floors. Underneath the ground floor are toilets and a seating area which can be accessed if required. The building has lots of wooden benches placed around the departments for seating and also has some cafés, stalls and a large picnic area at the top floor where you can feast yourself with delicious food and tasty drinks.

In the top floor, you can find lots of activities as you walk along. These are paid activities and there is a wide choice available. We went to the Red Arrows 3D simulator. Personally, I found it immersive at first however, the experience was below my expectations. It was not very comfortable and I had exited feeling quite uneasy. Based on people’s reactions and the overall experience I wasn’t interested in trying other simulators. I did however, observe a big audience turn up to the Space Descent VR with Tim Peake activity. Perhaps that is a recommendation as people were enjoying themselves… And VR is an experience everyone should try. I would sum up the activities as straining but desirable.

Special Galleries
The museum offers very interesting and captivating galleries that suit the season and celebration seasonally. We had visit to “Illuminating India” which had an incredible national gallery discovering many great inventions and operations in India from, the cheapest phone to ISRO rockets. We further advanced to the art gallery which wasn’t as interesting however, it had a range of artwork featured with many eerie stories behind the meaning. I recommend checking the latest galleries in the Science Museum website and I can guarantee, you will find something of your interest.

Food and Picnic Area
Food is not an issue as the top level of the building has got you covered. At the top level, you will find a relatively large picnic area that is quite open spaced and has tables and chairs arranged conveniently for both packed lunch or the expensively offered, tasty food from the canteen. Milkshakes were a treat for us when we suspected it slightly at the beginning due to the expensive purchase however, I must say it’s worth it!
There was so much to incorporate in our trip that we had to engage deeply in our visit. If you want a relaxed trip, we picked out the best departments that we thought offered invigorating content.
- Energy – At the ground floor, as soon as you enter, you are welcomed to the world of James Watt. With machines of all sizes arranged accurately and a nice guided information tour, the energy department was one that definitely got me fascinated. Seeing things in action was made possible by the numerous videos and animations displayed neatly in the compact screens.

- Space – Following the Energy department was the 3D world of space. I say 3D because, every model and screen in the room had such a perspective that it truly immersed the experience to make it feel like I was there. With sublime arrangement of concise text cutting down to what’s appealing, i found every inch of the Space department compelling.

- Flights – Flights generally have people who are insanely curious or people who are insanely ignorant. In the Science Museum however, the room will leave you doubted to something by the end. The range and detail of information made this department one that I can recommend. Kids or adults will surely enjoy the impact that technology has had over years from the first invention by the Wright Brothers.

- Mathematics – Maths! I know, you’re probably bored by the word alone. Don’t go anywhere though! Ignoring the maths department means you miss out on some truly impacting content. The museum explores the ways maths affects each and every one of our lives in various activities all of us contribute in. When considering that people travel all the way from Australia just to see a machine here, wouldn’t you want to discover the craze in mathematics? I must include that the room has a wonderful ceiling design that makes the whole experience immersive.

- IT – Yes, computing does have all sorts of insane creations and inventions however, seeing them in perspective is an opportunity offered in the Science Museum. Here you can go through the revolutionary history that IT has come through over these years. I reason I recommend this is you can understand the revolution technology has taken us through. Question yourself, how many things can you do that never existed last century? A lot, because of technology!

With many departments that can be explored to discover how science impacts all of us, I am happy to recommend the Science Museum as a visit for all ages on any day. In a convenient location and accessible building, the Science Museum has very less to talk negatively about. Although, the activities weren’t engaging and the cafés are expensive, kids can still enjoy with an interactive centre and a packed lunch instead.
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