Whether you believe in religion or not, a temple is a place of worship for your mind to settle and your brain to concentrate.
On 30th July, we(my mother, my bro and myself) located ourselves in Bhadrakali Temple. It is situated on a hilltop between the two cities of Hanamkonda and Warangal in the Telangana state.

The memories that I still recall are the sweetly channeled and purely natural coconut water and the simply challenging maze line. Naturalism is the presence that awakens every interest of yours and overthrows artificial recreations.
The coconut water embodied the freshness of purity and naturalism with a sweet and content flavour. This enjoyable savor whopped its way right to the top of my favourite drinks.
The “Holy Que Line” or the maze, looked terribly easy but it emphasized the power of mazes very clearly to me. I spent long minutes trying to work out the path as if I was loftily stupid like a dumb idol. I learnt that I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
Mind the heat during summer because the temple is toast with the intense heat of the sun! There are walking mats so, use them wisely!
As per the writings of the temple wall, it was believed to be built in 625 A.D. to commemorate the victory of an ancient king. Later, other kings adopted the temple and a lake was built adjacent to the temple. After the fall of the dynasty, the temple lost its prominence.
The remarkable impression will fall on the exceptional feature of the temple wall – 2.7m x 2.7m stone image of the Goddess Bhadrakali. This image highlights the eight hands(variously packed with different weapons).

The temple alone is still eye catching-ly beautiful with the addition of scattered boulders in the cherishing lake. The rooftops, as you would expect, are finely decorated and beastly beautiful.
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