Currently, a virus known as COVID-19 is worrying many lives. But there is nothing to fear if we all work together and find all the help we can. We will make it out of this virus if we just simply follow the instructions set by the government and hospitals. We should now start thinking about the things we can do to help society which are in our control.
What is the difference between Coronavirus and COVID-19?
Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that cause illnesses including the Common Cold, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) or the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). COVID-19 is a newly discovered disease which was active since December 2019, and it’s caused due to the Coronavirus. These viruses can infect all age groups however, it is more severe within elder age groups and people with poor immune systems.

COVID-19 is spread via physical contact. By touching or shaking hands with an infected individual you can catch the disease. COVID-19 primarily targets your respiratory system hence the symptoms include:
- Shortness of breath
- Coughing
- High temperature(fever)
What can we do to prevent being infected or infecting others?
The first thing we need to do is stop thinking about what has happened and focus more on what we could do to stop the virus. When regarding to this virus some people may accuse the people of China for the cause of the virus, but, we aren’t gonna get anywhere doing that. Therefore, as a society let’s try and follow the instructions set by the country and fight the virus, which is very much possible if we work together.

It is advised that in every infected location the people should quarantine themselves even though they don’t have any symptoms. After all, it is benefiting both the society and yourself. But hey, look on the bright side of quarantine, you can finish off that TV show or movie you’ve been dreading to watch.
What is the world doing to stop the growth?
If we take China or South Korea as an example, they’ve worked extremely hard to almost reach the point where they can overcome the disease. With cases gradually lowering, they seem to have dealt with the situation unlike what everyone expected. Not only China, but globally everyone is working day in, day out to stop further spread of the virus. And countries which haven’t been infected are following the same principles of washing hands or contact to avoid any small spread of the disease.
Many countries are trying all they can to find a cure or help infected individuals for this virus and all we need to do is give the medical staff and hospitals time. So, your job is quite simple, just stay at home and wash your hands as often as possible. This alone can just make the difference between fighting this rapidly growing virus or having to be affected by it. We will do it!
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