On the 23rd of July my mother, brother and I transported ourselves to Intriguing India by the enjoyable ecstatic Emirates economy.
As we exited the airport, I realized that my body started to leak water. It was quite strange since this didn’t usually happen. It felt like the suns radiation was going to turn me into a pile of sweat (which it did).

Driving in India
We were travelling on the long-lasting roads of the motorways. I peered out to see why the car didn’t move. The first thing I saw was our car facing diagonally blocking the path for other drivers to pass. I could only hear one sound which started to get on my nerves. It was the constant sound of the people in cars beeping the horn. Honk! Honk! Honk!
There is a huge difference between U.K driving and Indian driving, in my opinion. All you hear is the sound of horns. It’s like shell shock! You will also realize one huge difference. In India you will see a lot of motorbikes and I mean an immense number of them. If you’re stuck in traffic your destination will unfortunately have to wait for you, for a long time! Unless you zigzag your way out since that is the most ideal thing to do in this situation for a few discomforting minutes.

Indian Food
One ordinary day, I walked through the streets of Ongole (a county in the state called Andhra Pradesh in India). I saw a miniature stall and it said with big bold letters “Tiffin centre” (Breakfast centre). As I crossed the stall I got a mouth watering scent of a delicious dish which diffused into my nose. It was an irresistible smell of delicious-ness. It instantly dragged me into the scene and I would review it a full 5 stars!

Weather in India
If you can bear the heat of the suns rays which send the temperatures ranging up from 30 degrees to 45 degrees, then you’re some kind of an alien. Well I know for sure I can’t. Fortunately there is something in the world which blows a cool breeze of fresh air if you are struggling from intense humidity and heat. It is an…. A/C! The cooling makes you feel like you’re experiencing the weather in cold, deserted and isolated Antarctica. The humidity and heat is luckily avoided!
Education – What we Noticed
I think children in India have a rough time! They spend most of their time in useful education, but what I find harsh is the fact that they only have very brief hours of doing something fun like playing outside or going to the cinema. Also the school timings are very long. For a GCSE student the day stretches from 7:00 in the morning to 8:30 in the night!
Overall I had and I am still having an enthusiastic experience in the world of infinite possibilities, however, I really miss my father.
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