Category: People
Why Should You Do Exercise?
Following the commencement of the lockdown in March for the UK, my lifestyle has changed significantly. I’ve added some new habits. The one habit which I’ve seamlessly incorporated into my day is doing regular exercise. Why is exercise important? What are the benefits? What do I think about it after doing it for the past…
What the SIR Model Can Teach Us About Covid-19
By now, most of you are up to date with all the numbers and figures of the Covid-19 cases worldwide, but, have you seen the mathematical side of things? You’ve probably heard of the terms “exponential growth” and “flattening the curve” but what exactly do they mean and what’s this SIR model anyway? Most importantly,…
Humanity vs Worldwide Pandemics
In history, humanity has faced countless challenges of which, we all worked together to find a path of success. One of the categories of challenges faced, is Pandemics. This is something which has both devastated the economy yet also presented the power of humanity against worldwide catastrophic pandemics. So, here is a list of detrimental…
Let’s fight COVID-19!
Currently, a virus known as COVID-19 is worrying many lives. But there is nothing to fear if we all work together and find all the help we can. We will make it out of this virus if we just simply follow the instructions set by the government and hospitals. We should now start thinking about…
Great People I’ve Discovered in 2019
2019 has had a series of incredible people who have doubtlessly impacted me. The collection is quite massive again, however, here’s a compiled list of a few who I would like to share.
Great People I’ve discovered in 2018
2018 for me has been a year of gathering knowledge and learning. I’ve had countless adventures and, along the way, I discovered extraordinary work from many interesting people. This blog would be close to “endless” if I listed every great human being I came across in 2018, so, with respect to everyone, here’s a concise…