Category: Guides

  • Is Travelling by Flight Actually Expensive?

    Voyaging by flight is generally expensive regardless of what airlines you choose. In fact, a significant amount of money is spent more on actually getting to a destination by flight than at the destination. So, why is this? I suppose I’m not the only one who’s wondered about this question, but you’d be surprised to…

  • Why Should You Do Exercise?

    Following the commencement of the lockdown in March for the UK, my lifestyle has changed significantly. I’ve added some new habits. The one habit which I’ve seamlessly incorporated into my day is doing regular exercise. Why is exercise important? What are the benefits? What do I think about it after doing it for the past…

  • How to Build a PC?

    Alright, you’ve decided that it’s time to get a desktop and you’re not too sure whether you should buy a prebuilt desktop or build your own… Despite all the ‘complexity’ that surrounds building your own PC, it’s actually not that hard! And guess what, it’s cheaper, configurable and best of all – customisable. If you…