Author: KARSID
Great People I’ve discovered in 2018
2018 for me has been a year of gathering knowledge and learning. I’ve had countless adventures and, along the way, I discovered extraordinary work from many interesting people. This blog would be close to “endless” if I listed every great human being I came across in 2018, so, with respect to everyone, here’s a concise…
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
We meet again, in the second part of the trilogy, in the restaurant at the end of the universe. Hope you’ve had quite the adventure in knowing how improbably Arthur ends up in a spacecraft with people he’s never met before. Anyway, Arthur and the ‘team’ get hungry so decide to go somewhere for fulfilling…
A Refreshing Worship in Bhairavakona
Another temple in the state of Andra Pradesh! Well, one second I stood on the Fields of Mukkamala and the next thing I knew, I was in another holy location, situated on the heart of Nallamala Hills. The scene started with nine of us in an enormous vehicle.
A Year in Review – 2018
2018 is already coming to an end and KARSID is yet another year older. It just goes so fast! We visited many wonderful places in the brief year that we received and we’ve discovered countless wonders. Here are a few, that we shared with you, to walk along our journey of 2018.
Have We Finally Found an Extraterrestrial Race?
We don’t know. Astronomers discovered an unusual behaviour from a star, many light years away, known as KIC 8462852. The light from the star was irregular and it indicated a possibility of an almighty source of energy, a virtually inexhaustible source of power – a Dyson Sphere.
Fields of Mukkamala
The trees, fields and plants were all covered with greenery in the vast land of Mukkamala. It was a welcoming sight that fascinated my mind in seconds. Everywhere I looked I couldn’t avoid gazing at the beauty of nature surrounding my vision. The countless species of trees astounded me; it was unforgettable. Where is Mukkamala?…
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Have you ever wondered what hitchhiking is like? Maybe you’ve experienced it, but you wouldn’t have had a penny of thought for hitchhiking into the astronomical galaxy. Find out how an ordinary Earthman, on an ordinary Thursday, hitchhikes into a ‘very strange and startling’ place, in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Anticipate, don’t react…
Last Sunday, whilst playing badminton, my partner told me these words. Immediately it stuck with me. In any sport, we try to be ahead of the game. Keep reminding yourself of these words.
Houses of Parliament – School Trip
Influential meetings, political views, laws and legislation and the house of commons and lords are all significant sights that touch our thoughts only at the magnificently erected Houses of Parliament. For a school trip, I visited the Palace for observing the roles people take up and also the world-renowned political rooms. Educational Visit If you’re…
Rafa – My Story – Book Review
Rafael Nadal, an amazing player, is defined as the ‘King of Clay’. In this book, Rafa’s life is explored since the first time he held a racket at the age of 3, till the present date. He faced what was and is still known to be the ‘Greatest tennis match of all time’ during the…