Winter Wonderland unlocks delight in Hyde park, London as it leads to the charming Christmas of 2017. It attracts huge amounts of people wandering around the lively evening atmosphere in London. Or maybe having a swift walk through the crisp, glacial, Magical Ice Kingdom while sighting the bewildering sculptured monuments of ice. Take on a challenge to hover against the thrilling atmosphere in the arousing roller coasters or face all the other wonderful and jaw-dropping rides. Saunter as the sun sets and moon arises as the vivid lights project at your face to make the experience like a true Winter Wonderland. The fun starts here as you enter a realm of magic in the core of England where adventures can be unlocked!
Magical Ice Kingdom
You don’t want to miss out on this! It conducts the essence of Winter Wonderland as the temperature lies down at about 0 degrees and below; so you better put your jackets on! Inside the enchanting Magical Ice Kingdom, you can perceive lots of sculptures of fishes, sea astronauts and other sea creatures, all made up of ice. It felt like sheer heaven. The freezing temperature took my hands to complete numbness. Nonetheless it was an amusement for recollecting memories. My personal favorite sculpture was the submarine with two sea astronauts exploring the Magical Ice Kingdom. The makers of the sculptures produced a masterpiece by working to carve each part carefully.

Get your wallets out!
Stack up your wallets! You’re gonna need more than usual. Although the experience, attractions and rides are amazing, they are more expensive than you may think it is. We have to appreciate the fact that people set up this masterpiece in a short amount of time, but it sure does scratch away the money form your wallet. One roller coaster costs on average 5 pound per person. Unlike in any theme park such as Thorpe Park, where you only pay for the entrance, you have to pay per ride in Winter Wonderland. That was quite a disappointment as the cost per ride was high.

Munich Looping
I’m always up for rides. Luckily, this was the ride that overwhelmed me. It was my favourite ride as it can get your thrill-o-meter all the way up. The thrusting wind energizes you as the world becomes up-side down whilst making it through the 5 loops. It was a galvanising experience. It makes it to a maximum speed of 100km/h. The overall coaster track lasts a prolonged distance of 1250m and has an overall height of approximately 38.5m! A fact! The whole coaster weighs 900 tonnes. Finally, as the dark rises, the lights eliminate the darkness and the vibrant lights beam to not only enjoy going on the ride, but also to gaze at the colourful roller coaster. It was a remarkable ride!

Unsatisfying food
Our exploration through the Winter Wonderland brought us to a hungry situation. There were food shacks in every corner of the park. Which one to choose? And there we made a mistake. Everything was going great as we continued our day. But the food brought that to a halt as it didn’t reach our expectation. Just out of the smell of the burger, I could sense my mouth not seeming to be convinced of the taste. It was quite a disappointment, as our stomachs were feeling empty. With too much cash to give away for a disappointing meal and poorly arranged shacks, we weren’t at all convinced with the food.

Winter Wonderland; there’s a-lot to mention but even more to see. The beautiful and glaring lights looked fantabulous and shimmered the whole park to extreme brightness. It is an experience to be memorised as, the Magical Ice Kingdom thrilled us and made the conclusion of our trip exhilarating. As much as the food didn’t come to our satisfaction, Winter Wonderland left us with a great impression, with the amazing attractions that we’ve waited to explore. It was exceptional, but for a price!
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