If you’ve read my blog about paragliding, you’ve probably figured out that I am an insane thrill-seeker. I absolutely love the excitement you receive from the intriguing tracks of eternal doom. The thrills began with Dragons Fury in Chessington World of Adventures (I ramble on about this often). The track was out of sight for me to see, but all I knew was it was going to take some guts! I sat next to my friend. It was his first time too. The adventure cracked… At first in a bad way and then it developed…
Initial Impressions
We started to accelerate. I heard a huge CLICK! We were going straight up the pathway to hell not heaven. The clicking continued. We reached the top. It was silent up there. All of a sudden the cart dipped down almost vertically. At that moment I squalled out loud. The ride still continued like an everlasting pathway to nothing. I could see the end but there was still a long way to go. Finally, the ride entered its finish line.
As I enjoyed my adventure on roller coasters my brother was fiercely fascinated about Chessington. I tried to make it sound fabulously fun when in reality he was freaking out like a headless chicken running around.
We lined up in the same queue. The ride started the same way as it did the last time excepting the meteoric movements. As we dropped I only heard one sound. My brother’s loud, distressing, petrified scream. Along with my brother, I also convinced my dad to emanate on Dragons fury. This was his first time and he absolutely hated the scene of people getting frightened by rides. At the end, we were all boosted with confidence like power packed adventure seekers (which we basically are now).
Here is a list of my top 3 scary, crazy and thrilling roller coasters:
Stealth – Thorpe Park
I think this is probably the fastest roller coaster in the whole universe. It goes 80 mph in just 2.3 seconds and it towers up to 205ft (62m). The amount of fun that I had was unexplainable. All I can advise though, is, it goes tremendously FAST! And that’s what makes it thrilling!

Galactica – Alton towers
If you really and I mean really want to experience an intergalactic world with a Virtual Reality (VR) headset while gliding through the air like superman, on a roller coaster, then this is the perfect ride for you. It’s practically like you taking a tour around the universe. This ride is undoubtedly one of the best rides in my opinion. The comfortable VR headsets, the ride track and the seats… Everything was perfectly top 3!

Smiler – Alton towers
This has got to be my best and favourite ride. The first thing that happened as we hopped on to the cart was the safety bars coming down, which was as comfy as sinking in a soft mattress. The next thing I saw was the world upside down. I didn’t even know what was happening. The ride felt like it was going on forever. It was the BEST ride that day and it still is!

These three ballistic rides are the most exciting, thrilling and frightening rides in the world. When it comes to rides I am up for it every-time and anytime.
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